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Discussion Paper

The discussion paper for the 4th World Summit on Arts and Culture was developed as part of IFACCA’s D’Art Research programme, the final draft of which was published as D’Art 39: Achieving Intercultural Dialogue through the Arts and Culture? Concepts, Policies, Programmes, Practices. The report explored intercultural dialogue which has become a new priority for arts and cultural policy makers around the world; and identified the need for different approaches to address the diversity of challenges facing the promotion of intercultural dialogue through the arts, including cooperation between different tiers of government, non-governmental and private actors to foster intercultural dialogue at a level closest to where people live and work. The report was researched and written by Andreas Wiesand and Danielle Cliche of the ERICarts Institute, based on a survey designed to map views and collect cases of good practice on the (potential) role of intercultural dialogue in the arts and arts policies.

Read the report is available in English, Spanish and French.


Summit Report

The 4th World Summit Report offers insights from the Programme Director, reflections from the co-hosts and an overview of key themes and issues addressed.

A PDF version of the report on the 4th World Summit is available here.